Brick laying

The “Complementary Support for Vocational and Technical Training (ACFPT)” intervention started in 2016 and follows several other interventions in the field of technical and vocational training in Burundi. In October 2017, a reorientation of the project focused the action on the “Teaching of Trades” level (one-year basic training) and on 13 targeted training centers.

These 13 centers are supported through 5 axes: 

  • Steering axis: support for the financial and operational management of the centres; 
  • Quality axis: support for the quality of the training provided (including the publication of educational tools);
  • Integration axis: development of tools to promote the adequacy between training and employment and the integration of young people into the labor market;
  • Access axis: support in terms of infrastructure and equipment;
  • Attractiveness axis: communication and digital tools to enhance the attractiveness of vocational education. 

In the second extension phase (2022 - 2024) more quality and empowerment (in each of the axes) are sought in the training centers initially supported, and the intervention is extended to 5 additional centers. 

The objective of the project is to improve the quality of the training offer in the targeted centers and to support the mechanisms of professional integration to promote the employment of young people. 

The beneficiaries of the project are: Students from the targeted training centers (about 2,500 per year), trainers and other staff from the targeted centers (about 300), partner artisans/employers, the public partner at the Ministry level (about 50 civil servants). 

Lessons learned In the rural context of Burundi, formal enterprises are extremely limited, employment is more of an informal, artisanal, entrepreneurial nature. In this context, it is not easy to promote the regulatory aspects of decent work.