Resource type:
Implementation guide

Achieving Decent Work for Domestic Workers


The adoption by the International Labour Conference, on 16 June 2011, of ILO Convention No. 189 and Recommendation No. 201 on decent work for domestic workers, was an historic step in the struggle for social justice worldwide. It was the culmination of several decades of domestic workers’ organizations and trade unions campaigning to end exclusion, and gain recognition for the rights of domestic workers.

Though the Convention and Recommendation are now won, the fight for domestic worker rights is far from over. The ratification of the Convention and application of both of these new international instruments must be a priority for the ILO and the labour movement. Workers’ organizations have played crucial roles in previous campaigns for the adoption and ratification of international Conventions, whether on eliminating child labour, on maternity protection, or on equality and non-discrimination. The action to get Convention No. 189 ratified will be no exception.

This manual was designed to support just such action.