Business and Human Rights (Uganda)
Awareness of human rights responsibilities of business is increased and human rights abuses connected to business activities in Uganda are reduced.
Specific objective:
1. Support to the GoU’s NAP implementation: earmarked support for implementation of selected aspects of the plan by Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development. These could include:
- a. Empowerment of communities
- b. Compliance with human rights obligations
- c. Free, Prior and Informed Consent
- d. Remedy Mechanisms
2. Support to increasing business sector awareness and engagement in the BHR agenda: support to a number of communities of practice or working groups of businesses in the following suggested areas:
- a. Labour rights (including decent work, combatting child labour etc)
- b. Natural resource governances and land (encompassing oil sector, mining sector, agribusinesses)
- c. Digital rights and internet governance
3. Support to civil society advocacy, dialogue and implementation of activities in support of the BHR agenda: through a suggested call for proposals or other competitive process to support a range of organisations and approaches, same sectors as above:
- a. Labour rights
- b. Natural resource governance and land
- c. Digital rights and internet governance