Strengthen Rights at Work
Rights at work are an important part of the decent work concept, as they help to ensure that workers are able to enjoy the benefits of decent work (e.g., salary, benefits and compensation for illness or injury) and are protected from exploitation (e.g., long working hours or unpaid over-time) and other forms of abuse.
Some of the key rights at work that are related to decent work include the right to a fair and living wage, the right to safe and healthy working conditions, the right to form or join a union, and the right to be free from discrimination and harassment. These rights help to ensure that workers are able to enjoy the benefits of decent work and are able to contribute to their communities and economies in a meaningful way.
In low-income or fragile contexts, rights at work are typically ill-defined, only partially enforced, or workers (and employers) lack a good understanding of what rights and regulations apply. Strengthening rights at work is therefore crucial to establishing more decent work for formal and informal workers.